Please see University registrar page about admissions:

This program accepts the graduates of engineering and science majors, who would like to get a graduate degree in the interdisciplinary area of Systems Analysis, Robotics, Control Theory and Automation in general.

Grade Point Average Requirement

Applicants must have a GPA of at least 2.50 on a basis of 4.00, or equivalent.

Written Entrance Examination

Applicants are expected to achieve an entrance examination which comprises 5 Compulsory and 2 Elective questions (out of 5 questions). Compulsory questions are on Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Laplace Transform Methods, Basic Control Theory, Computer Programming and Physics (Mechanics). Elective questions cover Classical Control Theory, elementary Probability, Operations Research, Mechanical Vibrations and Data Structures.

ALES or GRE scores

Candidates are evaluated on the basis of their score on the written entrance examination, and their score on the national ALES (75) examination or equivalent GRE scores. Details of the various score requirements can be obtained from the Institute of Graduate Education for Science and Engineering (

Oral Examination

Applicants who are found sufficient on basis of their written exam score, ALES or GRE score, undergraduate grade reports and reference letters are invited to the oral exam and interview.

Applicants who are successful in the oral exam can directly start the graduate program if they can certify the sufficiency of their English knowledge with BUEPT (Bogaziçi University English Proficiency Test), TOEFL or IELTS by the time of the oral examination. The details of the required scores in these exams can be acquired from the Institute of Graduate Education for Science and Engineering ( Applicants who are successful in the oral exam but cannot satisfy the English knowledge requirements have a chance of being admitted to the English Preparatory Class during the Fall semester only.

The official list of students admitted to the program is announced by the Institute of Graduate Education for Science and Engineering within a week.

Application dates and the dates of the written and oral examinations are announced by the Registrar's Office of Bogaziçi University.

Summary of Requirements

  • Undergraduate grade requirement : GPA at least 2.50 on a basis of 4.00 (or equivalent)
  • National or International Test Results :
    • National : ALES results of minimum 75
    • International : GRE results
  • English Proficiency Test Results : TOEFL or ELTS or BUEPT (Bogaziçi University English Proficiency Test)